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"[Vladimir] Lenin once said, 'Give me four years to teach the children, and the seed I shall have sown will never be uprooted.'" - Walter Duranty
Why is it that so many American children can’t read or do math at grade level? Over the past 150 years, Socialist political projects have identified children as the key to achieving their goals. As any parent knows, young children will believe nearly anything, so they are prime targets for manipulation. You’ve heard of the National Socialist (Nazi) Youth from Germany in the 1930s but likely have never heard of Critical Pedagogy and its key figures, Michael Apple, Paulo Freire, Stanley Aronowitz, Henry Giroux, or Antonio Gramsci. But those are the names that have subverted American education over the last 40-plus years.
This education project aims to create children who will engage in a mass social struggle to transform society into a utopia of equal outcomes. Say goodbye to God-given inalienable rights and equality before the law for all. Kids are taught to divide into “oppressor” and “oppressed” categories based on race, sex, sexual orientation, and any other group identity that Critical Marxism / Identity Politics comes up with. Mastering reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and science are out. In their place comes Social-Emotional Learning, Comprehensive Sex Education, and a swarm of Critical Theories (Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, etc.).
In The Critical State of Education, you will not only come to understand Critical Marxism but also the model of education that must beat it – classical education. As education goes, so goes culture andpolitics. Whether coming generations experience a free future or a Socialist one will be decided by what happens in education today. Will they look back on us as the generation that abandoned ship and left them to drown at sea or as brave men and women who weathered the storm to give them a new birth of freedom?
"Knowledge unfits a child to be a slave." - Frederick Douglass
"Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." - C.S. Lewis
The Critical Marxists' scheme is counting on us to be without knowledge ("Useful Innocents"), and if we have knowledge of the scheme, then they are counting on us to be cowards. We can't be either!
Why is it that so many American children can’t read or do math at grade level? Over the past 150 years, Socialist political projects have identified children as the key to achieving their goals. As any parent knows, young children will believe nearly anything, so they are prime targets for manipulation. You’ve heard of the National Socialist (Nazi) Youth from Germany in the 1930s but likely have never heard of Critical Pedagogy and its key figures, Michael Apple, Paulo Freire, Stanley Aronowitz, Henry Giroux, or Antonio Gramsci. But those are the names that have subverted American education over the last 40-plus years.
This education project aims to create children who will engage in a mass social struggle to transform society into a utopia of equal outcomes. Say goodbye to God-given inalienable rights and equality before the law for all. Kids are taught to divide into “oppressor” and “oppressed” categories based on race, sex, sexual orientation, and any other group identity that Critical Marxism / Identity Politics comes up with. Mastering reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and science are out. In their place comes Social-Emotional Learning, Comprehensive Sex Education, and a swarm of Critical Theories (Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, etc.).
In The Critical State of Education, you will not only come to understand Critical Marxism but also the model of education that must beat it – classical education. As education goes, so goes culture andpolitics. Whether coming generations experience a free future or a Socialist one will be decided by what happens in education today. Will they look back on us as the generation that abandoned ship and left them to drown at sea or as brave men and women who weathered the storm to give them a new birth of freedom?
"Knowledge unfits a child to be a slave." - Frederick Douglass
"Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." - C.S. Lewis
The Critical Marxists' scheme is counting on us to be without knowledge ("Useful Innocents"), and if we have knowledge of the scheme, then they are counting on us to be cowards. We can't be either!